This is the page dedicated to games. You can download some games which are in
.t64 or .d64 format only for emulators (tested on VICE).
This games are the ones that I enjoyed and still enjoy playing, some of them are legendary. Most are quite
addictive, try them. Online versions require Java to be installed for your browser.
Instructions for installing WinVICE emulator. Separate screenshots page
with a subset of here presented games. Separate page with videos (demos, SID music etc.). Zip archive with all games from this site.
Page with projects , more like my personal drawing board. - Online game
- Review of game - Box art
01.2025. Added: Stunt Car racer, bought Speedlink Competition Pro USB for easier emulator testing of games 12.2024. Added: Burger Time, Chuckie Egg, Platoon 10.2024. Added: Pit Stop, Pit Stop II, Die Hard 08.2024. Added: Blagger, Manic Miner, Koala Painter, MS Multiplan, Fairlight Intro Maker, Shoot Em Up Constr. Kit, Quantum Soundtracker, Ghostbusters, Prophet 64, MULE, Kickstart II, Le Mans, Jupiter Lander 02.2024. Added: Zaxxon, Skramble, Jungle Hunt, Defender of the Crown, Monty on the Run, Rambo-First Blood 08.2023. Added: Power Drift 07.2023. Added: Enforcer, Wizball, Commando, R-Type 06.2023. Added: Rastan, Saracen, Montezuma's Revenge, Test Drive II, Saboteur, Slamball, Who Dares Wins, Myth, C64anabalt, H.E.R.O., Project Firestart, Kraken, Batman, IK+, Raid over Moscow, Armalyte, Turrican,Turrican II; expanded screenshots page 12.2022. Migrated to Nginx and Cloudflare. Due to migrating providers, page was offline and Google reduced visibility. Hope that will be fixed. Using G.Analytics for statistics. 02.2019. Added some HTML5 MP3 audio players for several games, so you can listen to game music inline. For a webpage that is more than 22 years old, that is an improvement 15.12.2016 Adding some YouTube videos (not mine) for every game, some online versions of the game (requires Java). New page for WinVICE emulator instructions under Windows. 15th google result for "c64 games"!! It was worth updating the page with extra elements. Thank you for your support. 03.06.2014. 18 years of these
web pages (if we consider Nov.1996 as a release date... I did some code cleanup,
new statistics... Planning for some redesign, dark background was a fad back
then, web has evolved, mildly said. In those days, my web was one of the top 10
links on Google when searched for c64 games. Lack on involvement on my side made
it on the 11th page (that is, around 110th link with that query. 26.03.2005. Finally, got an original C64C in an
original box, with a tape recorder and a few tapes. Will go to a flea market to
get additional equipment. I'm having trouble loading games from tapes either
because of old tapes or misaligned tape head. Will look up some of the
alternative game loading ways - like connecting to a PC. If you have information
about building a cartridge
(like Final Cartridge), please let me know. A picture
The logo on top is a transparent PNG, seen as such in everything except MSIE. Switch to Opera or Firefox. 02.08.04.Added new domain: (now defunct), some redesign of pages 14.04.03.
Forced to remove two games due to copyright? The names are d0n_key k0_ng and Ma_ri_o (misspelled to fool search engines)! 25.08.'00. Added 17 games (80 total)and a new [sports] and [utilities] section. 15.08.'00. Rreplaced some screenshots, placed many new ones, started using VICE for testing, .png file formats instead of gif 10.03.2000. 17.02.1999.separate
page added with screenshot for each game on the page. 186 kB.